dharmik parmar

student. doer of stuff.

dharmik parmar

When it comes to webdev, I might be the worst person to talk to, but this invoicee page has been the prettiest thing I've ever designed. It might be me, but to me, this page looks the best. It looks cute and is certainly something I might click on. After Replit ended their legacy hosting, I am hosting it on Vercel. I will share the link and the (obligatory insult) crappy code I wrote in my 11th grade below in a while.

June 02, 2024
dharmik parmar

Three months ago, I tried running Pyscript offline on my computer, and it was easy. Today I tried it on my laptop, and darn, I have not been able to yet. I need to spend my day doing something else.

June 02, 2024
dharmik parmar
June 01, 2024
dharmik parmar
May 30, 2024
dharmik parmar

I've come a long way. My most frequently used emoji is a thumbs up, but just behind it is a variant of the kiss emoji.

May 29, 2024
dharmik parmar

Back in Ahmedabad and back on my lovely bed.

May 29, 2024
dharmik parmar

These are the songs I listen to these days.


May 28, 2024
dharmik parmar
May 27, 2024
dharmik parmar

I might say that someone is cute on the surface, but this friend of mine has to be extremely cute. It could be the infatuation, but she is absolutely the most beautiful person I know. Just thinking about her is refreshing.

May 27, 2024
dharmik parmar

Posting this for the record.

May 26, 2024
dharmik parmar

Esoteric programming languages are a fun topic. I got reminded of it right now, and I believe my very pretty friend would be amused by knowing there's a language called "Brainfuck" (esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck) and the syntax it has.

May 25, 2024