Yes, I am old, and I therefore personally experienced many forms of physical music media. Can I say that minidiscs were one of the most aesthetically pleasing form factors ever? Sure they were an evolutionary dead end for so many reasons, but they were adorable.

4 hours ago

Just watched a guy bully a lady in the car ahead of him into making an illegal left turn, I guess because he was in a hurry?

Don’t be that guy.

8 hours ago

Eating lunch at a Korean chain restaurant where I can clearly hear the cooking staff enjoying norteño music is actually America being great, despite what all the terrified saddos say.

October 12, 2024

Following up on yesterday’s post, at least they seem to be aware of the issue.

October 08, 2024

I am 100% aware of where I’m posting this, but it is truly nuts how many of the notifications and algorithmic posts in my Threads feed are pure engagement-farming rage bait.

October 07, 2024

Re: Verizon phone activation issues. AT&T is *far* from a perfect carrier, but this is one thing I'll give them credit for: I’ve been buying iPhones since 2008 (I believe this 16 Pro is my 11th overall) and I have *never* had an issue activating one, including several bought on launch day. For all of the crap they get about various things, AT&T seems to have their activation game down pat.

October 04, 2024

In person, “Desert Titanium” along the metal band is actually pretty gold-looking. The back glass has a faint tan tint.

September 20, 2024

You know you own too many Raspberry Pis when you get ready to stand up another one to test a project and you check Tailscale and realize you already had another one sitting idle on your network for 3 months but you forgot about it.

September 10, 2024

IIRC, I was attending a local trade show in the Detroit area with a couple of co-workers (I was working under contract at TACOM so it was probably John O’Connell, Darren Lisow, and Gary Kolk) and a local ISP had a small booth set up, and we all registered domains on the spot (that was kind of an exotic thing to do as an individual at that point.) Crazy to think I’ve had the same domain registered for 24 years.

September 07, 2024