Michael Stifel Center Jena

We are happy to invite you to our second event of "MSCJ presents ..." @unijena Members and friends of MSCJ introduce theirselves and their work in short talks, with extra time for extensive discussions. Meet exciting people and ideas, and find interdisciplinary collaborations.
#DataScience #SimulationScience

June 24, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Registration is open for this year's #RDM Days in #Thuringia @tkfdm "Becoming literate in the Data Universe - From #DataLiteracy to the application of #AI", 18. & 19.06.2024 online @unijena

May 30, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

We are happy to invite you to our first event of "MSCJ pesents ..." @unijena where members and friends of MSCJ introduce theirselves and their work in short talks, followed by the opportunity for further discussion. Meet exciting people and ideas, and find interdisciplinary collaborations.
#DataScience #Simulation Science

May 14, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

New Data Literacy Jena (DaLiJe) @unijena hands-on sessions starting next week! Topics: data visualization without programming, data organization in spreadsheets, LaTeX, introductions to R and Python, critically handling statics and A.I. in everyday life, IT and ethics, data and project management using FSU-Cloud. All interested students are welcome!


April 25, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

The latest issue of LICHTGEDANKEN @unijena outlines how AI is transforming our lives with examples from climate research, chemistry, medicine, geophysics, historical science, assyriology, computer science & administration.

Clemens Beckstein, Alexander Breuer, Martin Bücker, Joachim Denzler, Thilo Figge, Joachim Giesen, Robert ​Gramsch-Stehfest, Edda Humprecht, Kevin Jablonka, Nina Kukowski, Sander Münster, Markus Reichstein, Christoph Steinbeck and others


April 25, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

This semester's coffee lecture series by @tkfdm introduces services for #datadocumentation and related to #metadata, #ontologies and #terminologies. The first coffee lecture, given by Jessica Rex, has been postponed to 08.05.2024. So, you did not miss anything yet.
#researchdata #datamanagement

April 25, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Just two weeks to go! Join the 6th annual #DataScienceDay Jena on May 8, 2024 @unijena (Aula & Foyer UHG, Fürstengraben 1) hosted by the project Interactive Inference at the Institute of Computer Science (https://inference.uni-jena.de/).

Don't miss out on insightful talks and networking opportunities!
Program: https://www.fmi.uni-jena.de/dsdj
Registration is still open. Secure your spot: https://indico.rz.uni-jena.de/event/117/registrations/114/

#DataScience #Jena

April 24, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

@tkfdm has extended the application deadline for the "FAIRest Dataset Award" to 30.04.2024.

The dataset that best implements the FAIR principles is awarded with a prize money of up to 2,000 euros. The winners will be announced at the Thuringian RDM Days (18. & 19.06.2024) with the opportunity to present their work.

You are a researcher at a Thuringian university and published a dataset that complies with the FAIR principles? Then apply!

#researchdata #datamanagement #FAIRdata

April 24, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Clemens Beckstein & Robert Gramsch-Stehfest @unijena received an "NFDI4Memory Incubator Funds" which promotes innovative methods for dealing with (digital) historical research data. They present their project "Paredros" on 19.03.2024 12:30.

(Image by NFDI4Memory https://4memory.de/)

March 11, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

First Data Literacy Datathon @unijena has ended after 3 days of focused work on 5 challenges. The DaLiJe team and participants were thrilled by the atmosphere and creative solutions. A big thanks to everyone, especially the supporters from the ThULB and the City of Jena.

Next workshops by DaLiJe for students of all disciplines (beginners welcome): "A.I. and Learning Machines" 18.-21.03. https://dataliteracy.uni-jena.de/veranstaltungen/workshop-maschinelles-lernen-und-ki , "Security and Privacy in the Digital Age" 25.-26.03. https://www.dataliteracy.uni-jena.de/veranstaltungen/sicherheit-und-privatsphaere-im-digitalen-zeitalter

March 08, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Best wishes for 2024 to everyone! #zedif and #DaLiJe @unijena starting with:
- zedif: 09.01. "Software & Data Licences" (13 seats), 01.02. "Digital Research Clinic" (7 seats)
- RDM: 24.01. & 21.02. Coffee Lectures, 01.02. with SFT: Workshop for PIs (12 seats)
- DaLiJe: 08.01.-24-01. Hands-On Sessions

#dataliteracy #researchdata #datamanagement #researchsoftware #digitalcompetencies #training #awareness #tools #research

January 05, 2024
Michael Stifel Center Jena

For all students @unijena and @EAHJena : The hands-on sessions of the Data Literacy Project are starting tomorrow! Learn about tools and topics for working with data and beyond. More infos, topics and registration via the project's website: https://www.dataliteracy.uni-jena.de/en/certificate-program-dalije/level-awareness

November 26, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Meet us tomorrow 11:00 @unijena Campus Ernst Abbe Platz, Lecture Hall 1 #DigitalGipfel2023 "Die Zukunft der Medizin: Evolution oder Übernahme durch #KI?" - a discussion on the future of medicine with #AI, organized by profile line LIFE and MSCJ.
Livestream: https://www.digitalgipfel-jena.de/veranstaltung/die-zukunft-der-biowissenschaften-und-der-medizin-evolution-oder-uebernahme-durch-ki

November 20, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Meet us today 17:00 @unijena Campus Ernst Abbe Platz, Lecture Hall 2 #DigitalGipfel2023 "Bits, Bytes & Brainpower: Jenaer Forschende im Quiz-Duell" together with Project Data Literacy Jena (DaLiJe) and Lichtwerkstatt Jena. Learn about digital tools and processes in science - and compete with researchers in a quiz on surprising facts in digitalization!
Livestream: https://www.digitalgipfel-jena.de/veranstaltung/bits-bytes-brainpower-jenaer-forschende-im-quiz-duell

November 20, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Prof. Dr. André Scherag was elected for president of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS) e. V.

November 20, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Lecturers can meet other lecturers and AI experts in "KI-Werkstatt Lehre" @unijena in a collegial setting to develop common ideas for the integration of #AI into teaching. The workshop will be established as a regular exchange format. Kick-off: 27.10.2023

October 26, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

International Meeting "The Artificial Sky - Efficient Research Data Management in Cultural Astronomy for Use in Education and Transdisciplinary Research" 01.-03.11.2023 with public talk in the Planetarium Jena 01.11.2023 19:00.

October 26, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

This semester's Digital Toolbox Course Program of the Competence Center Digital Research (zedif) @unijena

#research #datamanagement #softwareengineering #carpentries #HPC

October 26, 2023
Michael Stifel Center Jena

Data is the language of the future. Learn to understand it! This winter semester, #DaLiJe again offers flexible #DataLiteracy courses for students from all disciplines @unijena . Interested? Visit the kick-off and information event on October 23:

October 19, 2023