Gaël Varoquaux

Some photography: Paris in the morning

The Pantheon, in the morning haze, as seen from probabl's office in La Tour Montparnasse

(click through for highres)

September 04, 2024
GaelVaroquaux shared a status by code4thought

The scikit-learn @sklearn library is used by millions. And so I was thrilled to meet with some of the people behind this project for this new #code4thought [EN] episode: Adrin, Gaël @GaelVaroquaux, Guillaume @glemaitre and Lucy. Listen to it on your podcast app or on YouTube podcast or directly on

April 02, 2024
GaelVaroquaux shared a status by freakonometrics
Arthur Charpentier ⏚

"mémoriser est une chose, savoir généraliser en est une autre. Par exemple, si je mémorise toutes les additions entre deux nombres plus petits que dix, je ne sais pas extrapoler au-delà. Pour aller plus loin, il faut que je maîtrise la logique de l'addition… ou que je mémorise plus." par @GaelVaroquaux

June 22, 2024
Gaël Varoquaux

I finally found time for photography:
"Jazzy beats: Grandbrothers"

I took this picture with my mobile phone, during a concert at La Cigale (click through for full picture / highres)

March 07, 2024
GaelVaroquaux shared a status by ogrisel
Olivier Grisel

I ran a quick Gradient Boosted Trees vs Neural Nets check using scikit-learn's dev branch which makes it more convenient to work with tabular datasets with mixed numerical and categorical features data (e.g. the Adult Census dataset).

Let's start with the GBRT model. It's now possible to reproduce the SOTA number of this dataset in a few lines of code 2 s (CV included) on my laptop.


#sklearn #PyData #MachineLearning #TabularData #GradientBoosting #DeepLearning #Python

December 07, 2023
Gaël Varoquaux

Software systems, more than any other engineering activity, create a technological world that results from social dynamics and constructs.
This is because the space of possibilities is much wider, and there are many more objects interacting than in other industrial endeavors.

Big thinkers of urban planning, designing spaces and cities accounting for interactions connected their thinking with sociology and related.

People thinking software at the ecosystem level probably should do the same.

January 13, 2024
Gaël Varoquaux

Avec la #LoiImmigration, le gouvernement manie la xénophobie, et veut inscrire la discrimination dans la loi.

C'est le programme de l'extrême droite, un programme de division et non de construction, un programme qui met notre démocratie sur une pente dangereuse.

December 19, 2023
Gaël Varoquaux

Une interview sur scikit-learn : la vision du projet, comment penser à l'impact, au lien avec la société, à la dynamique open-source... 45mn où je parle de ce qui nous motive, de ce que nous avons appris sur les données et l'humain...

Ce fut un grand plaisir, merci beaucoup à l'équipe, hymaïa dont Yoann Benoit.
Je me rends compte que j'ai une meilleure énonciation en français 🙂

December 19, 2023
GaelVaroquaux shared a status by catalystcoop
Catalyst Cooperative

A thread from @GaelVaroquaux looking at the impact of the community-driven sklearn compared to centralized corporate ML packages. Community isn't always fast or easy, but it can be very robust over the long term once it's established.

"People underestimate how impactful @sklearn continues to be" — François Chollet

December 16, 2023