DelftPL shared a status by nimarasekh
Nima Rasekh

I am happy to announce that my paper joint with Niels van der Weide, Benedikt Ahrens & Paige Randall North has been published at Computer Science Logic 2025.

We show how univalent mathematics can be used to study intricate (higher) categories. Concretely, we demonstrate that in univalent math we can introduce more precise definitions that are able to incorporate the equivalences we actually care about. Moreover, we apply this approach and study various notions of double categories. Here is a link:

If you don't have the time or energy to read the paper, you can also check out this talk, where I try to explain the main ideas to mathematicians:

Finally, we also formalized our results in Coq UniMath:

5 days ago
Programming Languages Delft

The POPL paper "Relaxed Memory Concurrency Re-executed" by Evgenii Moiseenko, Matteo Meluzzi, Innokentii Meleshchenko, Ivan Kabashnyi, Anton Podkopaev, and our own Soham Chakraborty was selected for a distinguished paper award. Congratulations to all the authors!

#XMM #Concurrency #POPL

January 17, 2025
DelftPL shared a status by jesper
Jesper Agdakx 🔸

The pre-print for the #ICPC paper “Pinpointing the Learning Obstacles of an Interactive Theorem Prover” by @sarantja @azaidman and yt is now available at

I very much hope this will inspire more research on the usability and accessibility of the languages we build going forward!


Interactive theorem provers (ITPs) are programming languages which allow users to reason about and verify their programs. Although they promise strong correctness guarantees and expressive type annotations which can act as code summaries, they tend to have a steep learning curve and poor usability. Unfortunately, there is only a vague understanding of the underlying causes for these problems within the research community. To pinpoint the exact usability bottlenecks of ITPs, we conducted an online survey among 41 computer science bachelor students, asking them to reflect on the experience of learning to use the Agda ITP and to list the obstacles they faced during the process. Qualitative analysis of the responses revealed confusion among the participants about the role of ITPs within software development processes as well as design choices and tool deficiencies which do not provide an adequate level of support to ITP users. To make ITPs more accessible to new users, we recommend that ITP designers look beyond the language itself and also consider its wider contexts of tooling, developer environments, and larger software development processes.

#Agda #TheoremProving #DependentTypes #Usability #Accessibility #ICPC25

January 16, 2025
Programming Languages Delft

PhD thesis by Hendrik van Antwerpen: "Declarative Name Binding for Type System Specifications"

"This dissertation proposes a novel meta-language, Statix, for the specification of static semantics. Statix supports the direct modeling of surface language name binding features, stays close to a familiar inference-style of specification, and allows automatically deriving implementations for compilers and editor services."

Watch tomorrow at 17h:


January 14, 2025
DelftPL shared a status by jesper
Jesper Agdakx 🔸

I’m very glad to announce that our NWO-XL proposal “Cyclic Structures in Programs and Proofs: New Harmonies of Theory and Praxis” together with Jorge Perez @PerezJorgeA (RUG), Henning Basold (Leiden U), Robbert Krebbers (Radboud U), Georgiana Caltais (U Twente), Helle Hvid Hansen (RUG), and y.t. has been granted!

Here’s the blurb:

From our phones and buildings to power and communication networks, software is the backbone of our digital society. Ensuring that software systems are reliable and resilient is crucial but challenging. A key aspect of verifying software is analysing cyclic structures in their behavior. However, the theoretical understanding of many important cyclic structures is still underdeveloped, creating a bottleneck for verification: many critical software systems essential to society cannot be verified. This consortium will significantly advance the theory of cyclic structures, providing a robust foundation for the future-proof construction of software systems that are reliable and resilient.

The full list of granted projects is available at

December 17, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Arnoud van der Leer: Universal Algebra, Univalent Foundations and the Untyped λ-Calculus

"This thesis studies and expands upon Martin Hyland’s paper ‘Classical lambda calculus in modern dress’. [...] The thesis translates Hyland’s paper from set theory with classical logic to univalent foundations, and showcases where subtleties arise in such a translation."

#univalentfoundations #hott #typetheory #thesis

December 12, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Jakob Nauke: Compiling Dependent Type Preconditions to Runtime Checks With Agda2Hs

"As an extension to Agda2Hs, we
have implemented a solution to automatically insert runtime checks for the preconditions and only make those definitions accessible in the output that are also checkable."

#agda #agda2hs #haskell #dependenttypes #thesis

December 12, 2024
DelftPL shared a status by casperbp
Casper Bach

Excited to share that I'm joining the ACP group at the University of Southern Denmark! Looking forward to new challenges and collaborations ahead.

I'm also grateful for the fantastic experience and connections I leave with from @DelftPL. Looking forward to staying in touch and keep building together!

November 01, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Here's a fresh group picture up on our website at!

November 14, 2024
DelftPL shared a status by jesper
Jesper Agdakx 🔸
New paper by @liesnikov and yours truly at APLAS 2024: "Building a Correct-by-Construction Type Checker for a Dependently Typed Core Language", in which we demonstrate how to use well-scoped syntax, indexed datatypes, and erasure annotations to develop a certified type checker for a small subset of Agda.


#Agda #DependentTypes #FunctionalProgramming
October 28, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Next week, Jasper Denkers is defending his PhD dissertation titled "Domain-Specific Languages for Digital Printing Systems" in the Aula of TU Delft.

September 23, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Spotted in the Haskell Weekly newsletter: heftia-effects, a library for higher-order effects based on the work by @casperbp and @casvdrest

September 13, 2024
DelftPL shared a status by jesper
Jesper Agdakx 🔸
I'm very happy to announce that Andreea Costea is joining our PL group in Delft, starting in October 2024! You can find out about her work on her website:

Our group is also hiring a PhD student to work with Andreea on the topic Trustworthiness of Auto-Generated Systems. The deadline for applications is on **September 26** so don't wait too long to apply! All information about the application procedure is available here:

#phd #trustworthiness #programminglanguages #delft #tudelft
September 05, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Paper by Jaro Reinders at Haskell 2024: Higher Order Patterns for Rewrite Rules

"We introduce higher order patterns as a simple extension of GHC’s rewrite rules. [...] Our stream fusion framework with higher order patterns shows an average speedup of 7% compared to our stream fusion framework without it."

#Haskell #Haskell24 #rewriting #optimization #compilers

August 29, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Extended abstract by Sára Juhošová at TyDe '24: How Novices Perceive Interactive Theorem Provers

"we conducted an online survey among bachelor students, asking them to list the obstacles they encountered while learning Agda. [...]These observations point to one prominent point of improvement: providing a more accessible and sturdy infrastructure for ITP programmers."

#agda #theoremprovers #usability #tyde

August 29, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Paper by Ivan Todorov and Casper Bach Poulsen at TyDe '24: Modal μ-Calculus for Free in Agda

"Using dependently-typed programming in Agda, we develop an embedding of the modal μ-calculus for defining and verifying functional properties of possibly-non-terminating effectful programs which we represent in Agda using the coinductive free monad."

#mucalculus #agda #effects #coinduction #tyde

August 29, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Olek Wolska:
Towards Modular Language Semantics of WebDSL: A Case Study of Using Algebraic Effects in Haskell for Language Specification

"We adapt the algebraic effects and handlers approach [...] to create a modular denotational semantics model of WebDSL [...] that allows us to distinguish between effects raised by different components of the language."

#algebraiceffects #webdsl #haskell #master #thesis

August 26, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Niyousha Najmaei: The Internal Language of Comprehension Categories

"In this thesis, we first study how MLTT is interpreted in full split comprehension categories through concrete examples. Next, we investigate type theories that can be interpreted in comprehension categories which are not necessarily full and split."

#typetheory #categorytheory #mltt #master #thesis

August 22, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Alex Haršáni: Embedding Statix in Agda

"Using Statix, we can write a specification using constraints over scope graphs and terms. [...] we introduce a library called statix-in-agda. This library, written using the proof assistant Agda, includes the formalisation of scope graphs and embedding of Statix's constraints."

#Statix #Spoofax #Agda #thesis

August 22, 2024
Programming Languages Delft

Master thesis by Luka Janjić:
Program synthesis with dependent types

"We implement a prototype of a search algorithm driven by unsolved constraints typically generated during dependent type checking. We encode a range of synthesis problems from literature in our system, showcasing how it can be used for expressing the specification and synthesizing programs that manipulate data."

#dependenttypes #synthesis #thesis

August 19, 2024