
@b0rk I am a big fan of Tailwind, but see it quite a bit differently than others in this thread, or the OP.

As I see it, you need strong CSS skills to use TW effectively -- and then it's a power tool. Dangerous in the hands of beginners.

Actually, we use UnoCSS instead -- TW plus more power tools like custom variants, custom rules. And we have a strict "no TW classes in admin interfaces" policy.

I need to write up my own blog post on this!

October 10, 2023

@amev7fam @jalefkowit but then again, isn't everyone on Mastodon a weird nerd? At least my daughter says so

September 30, 2023

Apparently my daughter and her friends directed the substitute school bus driver on a scenic route to school... involving a trip through downtown (entirely the opposite direction as the school). 🤣

Never count on a middle-school kid for directions to school!

Apparently they are far more reliable for the return trip home...

September 30, 2023

New blog post: "Rate Limiting an aggressive bot in Nginx"

August 22, 2023

We just got a PDF report working, with multiple repeating headers. It's a survey report showing all observations grouped by area, and further grouped by building.

The report now shows the current building at the top of every page, and the current area also repeats at the top of the page -- but can start in the middle of the page.

All of this is done using Print CSS styles, with headless chrome and nested tables (so we can have multiple thead sections).

August 21, 2023

@lakedrops This is a really slick trick! Deserialize a JSON string to quickly create an entity.

Good debugging tips in here too! One note: the JSON object here is not using JSON:API format (that may be a good formatter to add as an option).

Now I'm starting to think about how to get jq-like functionality into ECA...

August 21, 2023

@SteffoSpieler haha I need to get used to checking post dates! Mastodon posts seem to be active/findable a lot longer!

August 07, 2023

@SteffoSpieler I do this -- run Synapse in a Docker container, behind Nginx... and Nginx serves up Element on a different subdomain. The existing docs cover this scenario...

The nginx config is pretty simple, just a couple proxy blocks...

August 06, 2023

@Shredd_Tone @MedievalMideast Jitsi is great... also check out Element -- . This is a new WebRTC video experiment by the people that created Matrix, and it's also available inside Matrix chat rooms (if you're using Element as a client, and enable the beta settings).

August 06, 2023

@BBCRD Welcome!

July 31, 2023

@kaiengert @paul @thunderbird Thanks for the pointers! Could not find where the Flatpak version was looking for profiles, until I went ahead and configured.

Then I found it... in $HOME/.var/app/org.mozilla.Thunderbird/.thunderbird !!! Deleted that and symlinked the ~/.thunderbird directory, and then had to use the --ProfileManager to get it to pick the one I wanted, but I'm there now!

July 28, 2023

@paul @thunderbird I have a similar question -- I went ahead and set up a new profile with v115 a couple weeks ago, and really enjoying using it.

I just installed the version, and it's asking to set up another new profile. How do I get the Flatpak version of to load the profile I created with the tarball install?

July 27, 2023