How.Camp FOSS

@bozho @kunev @fossbg ще ни подкрепиш ли и апела за преразглеждане на позицията?

4 days ago
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Опитах се да обясня какво е на нормален език, без да използвам много технически термини:

Споделете с приятели! Тази седмица внасяме апела в МВР - подпишете го!

5 days ago
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Според МВР принудата Е съгласие 

Както вече писах пред последните дни в съвета на ЕС щеше да има гласуване, което би премахнало концепцията за шифриране на личната ни кореспонденция през Интеренет и би изискало задължително сканиране на всяка снимка, която изпращате чрез чат приложения или друг вид интернет услуга с цел да се предотврати сексуалното насилие над деца. Изпратих доста запитвания през ЗДОИ (4), но отговорът от МВР дойде благодарение на…

July 04, 2024
How.Camp FOSS

@bozho @kunev @fossbg


June 26, 2024
howcamp shared a status by simon
Simon Willison

Worth grepping your source code for "" and taking urgent measures to remove that code if you're linking it into your site - the domain name apparently now intermittently serves malicious JavaScript

My notes here: - or read this article

June 25, 2024
How.Camp FOSS

@kunev @bozho @fossbg Aх, чудесна идея! Благодаря!

June 25, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Проспа ли България важно решение за нашите цифрови права?

В седмицата около 17 юни 2024 доста медии гръмнаха с новината, че се очаква гласуване в Съвета на Европа по конкретно предложения по директива за правото на неприкосновеност на личния живот и електронни комуникации (2002/58/ЕО) със заявеното намерение за “борба със сексуалните посегателства срещу деца в Интернет”. Ако то беше прието, щеше да означава край на шифроването на комуникациите ...

June 25, 2024
howcamp shared a status by fossbg

Гласуването за

Белгийското председателство на ЕС реши да отложи гласуването за защото предполагаше че няма да може да събере мнозинство. Сега топката е в полето на Унгария, (PDF file) като ротационен председател от 1 юли.

Мисията продължава и ще има нужда от нови действия.

June 20, 2024
howcamp shared a status by devconf_cz

How many commands can you type in 60 seconds? Set the terminal on fire or play other games at the Open Source Arcade station in D building next to the Red Hat booth at 🕹️

Learn how games are being developed in the lightning talk by Jared Sprague at 2:30 PM in the room A113

June 14, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo
June 14, 2024
How.Camp FOSS

@hexmasteen I think this is already implemented in Beta.

June 11, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

I decided to release under a free, creative commons license one of my threat modeling frameworks. It has been used by more than 200 people and several great companies. It works!

Take it here:

I've spend many months interviewing people and making it, so please also consider donating if you like what's inside.

June 11, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Dear amazing people.

As of today, I offer you two new workshops that you might want to add into your plan of being smarter:

0) Visual Threat Modeling (there is a dog involved)

1) Me(n)tal Health: Learn and improve your soft skills with heavy metal.

See more here:

June 04, 2024
howcamp shared a status by devconf_cz

Thinking about attending 2024?
Then don't postpone your registration any longer. Tickets are disappearing fast! 😱

Don't miss out on this opportunity to meet and engage with . Get your ticket now at

June 04, 2024
How.Camp FOSS

Whoa, community: The is open. Visit for the , , and the spirit.

June 03, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Are you a part of a community around the world and/or passionate about it? I need your opinion on something:

If you don't want to share in a public forum, my messages are always open, because we are in the

Sharing is caring, so please boost to your peers!

May 23, 2024
howcamp shared a status by opensustaintech
Open Sustainable Technology

🚀 We are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast series showcasing the transformative power of "𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 S𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞" and the people and stories behind it. As host of the @sustainoss Podcast, @richlitt is the ideal voice to bridge the gap between what sustains the open source ecosystem and how open source can sustain the natural shared ecosystem on which we all depend.

May 22, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

The room is still empty, but the coffee corner is full.

May 16, 2024
howcamp shared a status by fsfe

We are participating in conference.

Watch the live streaming of @niharika_singhal Project Manager, talking on "Making AI Really Open: The Current Landscape of Free Software and AI Licensing":

🕙 12:35 pm – 1:05 pm

May 16, 2024
howcamp shared a status by bogo

Do you want the shinybird ;) 😉 sticker? Come find the person with the rammstein t-shirt at . .

May 16, 2024