Casual Catte

Just an hour into and I've already smashed the 1667 word count goal for today. Two word sprints in with the Nano community and I'm sitting pretty at 2191, but I'll likely add more before the day is out.

Still, it's a good start after 10 years away. 💗

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November 01, 2023
Casual Catte

It's time again.

I haven't done in years, but my therapist strongly encouraged me to get back into writing since it's so much a part of who I am. So, here we go, word fans.

I'm brushing off an old project and reworking it from the ground up, basically a retelling of the origins of Excalibur.

You can find me and see my progress at:

Let's go!

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October 31, 2023
Casual Catte

I find it weirdly pleasing when the person I select as my Dance Partner as a Dancer ends up at the top of the Enmity list. That means they're doing good damage, right?!

That's what I tell myself. 😆

October 17, 2023
Casual Catte

Bad co-healers are just irksome to me. If you don't care to learn how to play a healer properly, then don't queue as one.

Bad Barrier Healers are especially irksome. Bad Barrier Healers that DON'T USE THEIR BARRIERS are probably the most irksome. If you wanna play a direct healer and not bother with casting shields WHM and AST are Right Over There.

October 17, 2023
Casual Catte


Thankies, thankies! The chair is actually pretty wonderful. It's a Sealy something-or-other that we ordered online. Very cushy and comfortable even after long hours of sitting.

October 07, 2023
Casual Catte

New PC desk! :D

October 07, 2023
Casual Catte

Had a good night at with my Thursday crew. My Phoenix Soul sorceress overthrew her exiled "uncle" when he tried to assassinate her to take a reward being offered for her head. She has enemies within the nobility of the Plane of Fire, where she is Queen-Consort to the Sultan.

After a very tense battle against her "uncle" and his Kingsguard, she ascended his throne and proclaimed herself ruler of the fey lands that he governed. Now, she's Queen of two realms.



September 29, 2023
Casual Catte
Personal Illness, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain

Checkup with the Rheumatologist today. Things are going well with Rinvoq, but I'm not making the progress he really wants me to. So, we're combining it with Otezla to see if I get better results.

In good news, Otezla won't add to the mountain of meds I already have trashing out my liver and kidneys, so there's no danger of exacerbating those risks. I'm to stay on this for six weeks and see how I do, then we'll go from there.


September 28, 2023
Casual Catte


Beauty & The Basset (hound)
Coyote Pugly
The Bark Knight


September 28, 2023
Casual Catte

In yet another silly little milestone, I actually got through Series 4 this go-round to get the mount! I didn't push or farm hardcore for it either, I just logged in and did a Frontline roulette whenever I hopped in. No farming or spamming necessary!

I am the casualest of cattes.

September 26, 2023
Casual Catte
Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness

I used to love the sound and the feel of the rain. Now, the rain is a harbinger of pain and misery.

I used to laugh when my granddad said he could feel the rain coming in his joints. Now I know that feeling 200%. I feel the rain coming in MY joints.

I looked it up it's actually a legit thing. Given that my joints are already inflamed and swollen, the additional barometric pressure in the air squeezes them further, making more pain.

The more you know!

September 25, 2023