librarifran shared a status by elotroalex
Alex Gil

And we are LIVE!! Shiny new website for our Symposium series, Who Owns Black Data? First one, March 28–29 in Baltimore. What do you think? Who owns Black cultural and historical data? We're literally taking your answers. Read The Prelude & be a part of the conversation.

March 12, 2024
franny gaede

Single best professional experience of my life! #PeMento: Peer Mentoring for Mid-career Library Workers is now open for Cohort 2023 sign-ups! Want to know more? Check out and sign-up. Happy to talk about my experience!

June 08, 2023
librarifran shared a status by simon
Simon Willison

ChatGPT is six months old today - it was released to the public on November 30th last year

May 30, 2023
librarifran shared a status by roopikarisam
Roopika Risam

The May 2023 issue of #ReviewsInDH is here! Jennifer Guiliano & I offer you a sneak peak behind-the-scenes at Reviews and bring you four fantastic projects that creatively engage public audiences through digital humanities, from our open submission process. #DigitalHumanities #AcademicMastodon

May 30, 2023
librarifran shared a status by force11

Scholarship applications for #FSCI23 are open! FSCI has set aside 100 complementary seats to ensure costs are not a barrier to participation. Applications are due June 5th

May 11, 2023
librarifran shared a status by textfiles
Jason Scott

I'll have a blog entry about it soon, but before then, you get to hear about it first: A full transfer of the USC Cinema sound effects library, which includes the work of Sunset Editorial and their hundreds of sound effects.

You can browse the collection here:

May 20, 2023
librarifran shared a status by princetoncitp

TOMORROW (5/16)at 4:30 p.m., join @princetoncitp and @ruha9’s Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab for “Critical Technology Ecologies and the Future of Repair” with @climateincolour, @grace_akese, @alieemmanuel, @fixitclinic. @kenia_hale will moderate:

May 15, 2023
librarifran shared a status by agoldst
Andrew Goldstone

My article, "Origins of the U.S. Genre-Fiction System, 1890–1956" is now out in Book History.

Published version here:

Open-access preprint:

If you want to know what's so special about 1956, you'll have to read the essay, or at least the blog post:

May 16, 2023
librarifran shared a status by overholt
John Overholt

“The Library of Congress has completed a yearslong effort to digitize the Yongle Encyclopedia (Yongle dadian 永樂大典), the largest reference work created in pre-modern China, and possibly the world.” Via @Researchbuzz

May 16, 2023
librarifran shared a status by TheLetterTen
Ten :verifiedtrans:

I swear I'm not trying to ignore anyone.

May 15, 2023
franny gaede

happy belated #caturday from some snoozy boys. hope you’re having a relaxing day.

#CatsofMastodon #FluffyCats #MaineCoon #AmericanBobtail #BubblegumNose

May 14, 2023
librarifran shared a status by selfcare

Stuck? Ask for help. Talk to someone.

May 14, 2023
librarifran shared a status by ct_bergstrom
Carl T. Bergstrom

This week, Science published a stunningly irresponsible news story entitled "Fake scientific papers are alarmingly common" and claiming that upward of 30% of the scientific literature is fake.

Below, the first two paragraphs of the story.

Headline and intro notwithstanding, the story itself later notes that the detector doesn't actually work and flags nearly half of real papers as fake. Does the reporter just not understand that?

h/t @Hoch

May 12, 2023
librarifran shared a status by RikerGoogling
Riker Googling

jailbreak tricorder

May 12, 2023
librarifran shared a status by loriemerson
Lori Emerson

I'm starting to collect examples of something like hyperlinking in books - creative, print-based designs for linking one section to another. please send your favs, esp. the most detailed and/or wildest examples! #othernetworks

May 12, 2023
librarifran shared a status by JessButler
Jess Butler

The House of Commons has released a thoughtful, critical report on UK research quality

The recommendations to government are excellent, both practical and progressive


Make all research open access

Require data and code accompany all publications

Move peer-review and publication acceptance before data collection

Specifically fund replications

Remove “originality” from REF, instead require transparency

Impose a 3-year minimum term for all postdocs

May 10, 2023
librarifran shared a status by amydiehl
Amy Diehl, Ph.D.

Glass Cliff: When a woman is hired to fix an organization in decline. But she will be blamed and let go when she fails to do the miraculous.

May 11, 2023
librarifran shared a status by cynthia1960
Cynthia loves masks

As we enter the season of parental-focused holidays here in the US (and any other countries that sync up with the US), here’s a gentle reminder that many people have fraught relationships with parents, dead parents, or the combo whammy of both. Be kind.

May 10, 2023
librarifran shared a status by slashdottir
foo ✅

content moderation is hard and thankless

check out this new game on content moderation by @mmasnick

May 12, 2023
franny gaede

@phette23 i have a lengthy question / research project related to this and library as workspace that i need an additional 40 hours a week to think about. so interesting!!!

May 09, 2023