I hope more young Singaporeans are as interesting as the ones featured in the Coldplay video - *I certainly wasn't*.
Coldplay - Man In The Moon
"The Fagin figure leading Elon Musk’s merry band of pubescent sovereignty pickpockets"
A slight lacking of introspection here.
Israeli ambassador to the United Nations says Palestinians shouldn’t be forced out of Gaza
@Becksy looking forward to it. Urgh.
Things are seriously fucked up, aren't they. #Brexit
Does the Telegraph even pretend to be a newspaper any more?
@ChrisMayLA6 it's not just the political class. You see it in my neighbourhood, too. Very worrying, but I guess that's what happens with more than a generation of worshipping money and selfishness.
@NWBylines there wasn't enough corporate socialism on offer, so they couldn't maximise their privatised profits.
My hope is UK voters see what's happening with the US and are horrified. My fear is enough see the current situation and think, We could use some of that. #politics
Sounds like he's already handed over power to Musk.
In Trump’s fantasy politics, he can accomplish anything – but reality will prevail
@Kierkegaanks @Techmeme Culturally influential in a certain demographic...
Parents here complaining that #school starts too early for their little darlings.
So weak!