Mastodon явно става все по-популярен щом и мурзилките го налазиха. Втори Z-профил блокирам за последните няколко дни.
Bring back self-hosted blogs, reinstall a feed reader, make your feed icon prominent on your blog. Blogs + Atom/RSS is the best decentralized social media system we've ever had!
And yes I am saying that as co-author of ActivityPub: self hosted blogs is the best decentralized social networking we've had
Западна Сахара - там където лицемерието на САЩ и Европа се вижда най-добре
От оловото в бензина до Доналд Тръмп
Pretty cool but also terrifying..
Voyager 1 is now about one light day from Earth! And that took about half a century
While the nearest star besides the sun is about 4 light years away from us
What I’m trying to say is.. space is terrifyingly big
With all those accidents involving #windows in Russia, one would expect most people even remotely involved in politics there to have already realized they need to move to #linux, or at the very least to #macOS.
Ok someone posted this on Bluesky, from Hubble. Everyone over there seems to see an Angel? Wha? I had to post here because what I see is a #Cat and maybe even a #CatsOfMastodon . My Mastodon peeps, what do you see?
indie game and art store is down, and according to their bluesky account, it’s because *Funko Pops* filed a nonsense claim against their domain
The fall of Bashar Al-Assad shows that no amount of force can freeze history forever. Every autocratic regime will fall.
But will they be succeeded by other authoritarian regimes? That will be determined by how they fall.
This is the reason to build multiethnic, horizontal revolutionary movements that can play a role in the changes ahead.
The more that ordinary Syrians from all backgrounds and walks of life participate in the next phase of the revolution—the less that it is dictated by money, weapons, and agendas outside of Syria—the less bloody it will likely be.
As the millions of refugees who were forced to flee Syria make their way home, we hope that they will play a part in this.
Tonight, we give thanks for every soldier who deserted rather than fighting for a dictator. May their refusals inspire others, in turn, not to kill or die for things that are unworthy of humanity.
Burn every prison.
Topple every oppressor.
Some background on the situation:
Май бунтовниците свалиха самолета на Башар Асад, с който той се опита да избяга от Сирия.
Съботно четиво! Разрешена ли е най-после загадката "Д.Б. Купър" особено след като и Бигфут бе намесен в играта?
Все повече пътуващи купуват ЖП билети онлайн и аз съм един от тях 😎 🚂
Сирийските бунтовници се завърнаха в Алепо след 8 години
Не се оплаквайте, че Linux e трудна операционна система за инсталиране - пробвайте да смените изгоряла запалка на италианска пелетна горелка B-Max и пак ми говорете какви са трудните неща в живота...