Научната етика в Силициевата долина. Измамата „Теранос“ https://www.toest.bg/nauchnata-etika-v-silitsievata-dolina-izmamata-theranos/
@yurukov За жалост тези Mastodon акаунти нямат RSS feed. Нарочно ли е и дали ще добавиш в бъдеще?
Thinking of Aaron Swartz today & I’m stuck on this photo - he & OpenAI CEO Sam Altman (both circled) each scraped 1000s of docs but one did it to make the knowledge free for all while the other did it to make $$$$ through probabilistic plagiarism. The US DOJ only came after one of them & the other is feted by tech bros and executives.
Thank you Aaron for so much, for RSS, for Markdown, for Creative Commons and more. I’m sorry our society failed you.
“I’ve worked for the Washington Post since 2008 as an editorial cartoonist. … I’ve never had a cartoon killed because of who or what I chose to aim my pen at. Until now.” https://anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-quitting-the-washington-post?utm_campaign=post&triedRedirect=true
Discussions in English or any Balkan language accepted. If in trouble, we’ll resort to deepl.com
Новогодишната заря уби 600 планински чинки в Копривщица https://vevesti.bg/296287/novogodishnata-zarya-ubi-600-planinski-chinki-v-koprivshtitsa/
@unspeaker Има няколко правописни грешки и звучи супер смешно като цяло, но явно иронията бяга на хората от Величие, защото са изтипосали този скриншот в официалния си канал в Телеграм
Поговорката е, че краставите магарета през девет баира се подушват. Е, в случая са овце.
Най-добрата визуализация на космическото пространство около нас - истински космически атлас! https://misterika.eu/blogpost931-NAI-DOBRATA-VIZUALIZATIY-NA-KOSMICESKOTO-PROSTRANSTVO-OKOLO-NAS-ISTINSKI-KOSMICESKI-ATLAS
📷 Ghost Train Stations, Lebanon
Lebanon's Ghost Train Stations have stood frozen in time since the 1990s. Rusting steam locomotives lurk inside war-torn maintenance sheds.
Read more: https://www.obsidianurbexphotography.com/leisure/ghost-train-stations-lebanon/
#Photography #Urbex #UrbanExploration #Train #Trains #Steam #steamlocomotive #locomotive #Lebanon #Abandoned #AbandonedPlaces #LostPlaces #LostPlace #History #Travel #Photo
А, и още нещо - ако наближавате средна възраст внимавайте кризата да не ви превърне скоропостижно в кисели чичаци и лелки.
Случва се рязко и неусетно, особено ако решите, че живота ви е прецакал, и срещу вас има глобален заговор.
Няма заговор. Има неумолими цикли на живота и глобални тенденции.
News from the Front: The Reflections of a Russian Anarchist in Rojava
A Russian anarchist volunteer speaks on the collapse of the Assad regime, the future of Russia, and the looming threat of a Turkish-backed invasion of northeastern Syria.
"I watched with special feeling as the Russian columns passed by me at one of the positions. I peered into the faces of the soldiers, trying to understand whether they realized that all these years, they had been terrorizing the population with bombings, they had surrendered Afrin to the Turkish army, they had kept Assad’s regime alive—and now all this is over. Russian military aid to the Syrian dictatorship has ended. I do not think that those soldiers realized that they were looking into the eyes of a man from the same country as themselves, but who chose the other side of the barricades."
@balvatar каква мурзилка? Мозъчноувредена 😂
SkiFree - една игра от времето на Windows 3.0, която продължава да се поддържа https://misterika.eu/blogpost900-SkiFree-EDNA-IGRA-OT-VREMETO-NA-Windows-3-0-KOYTO-PROD%D1%8ALZAVA-DA-SE-PODD%D1%8ARZA