Ok I now have a reasonable display. The schematics for the Arduino rotator control show pin 15 and 16 NC which I did wonder about. That’s the backlight. ;)
RTSL Found a couple of MEMORY saving defines. I don’t really care about anything but the Yaesu commands so it all fits.
Now it just seems to hard swing the azimuth full scale to the right. No shorts that I can see. I guess I’ll do more debugging after lunch.
@CyberpunkLibrarian Happy you are up again, enjoy listening. Good luck setting up your static site. I really like the combination of a cheap VPS and Caddy. The best thing about static sites is how stupid easy it is to migrate it between hosts.
Cyberpunk Librarian is back!
Libraries are in danger and Dan is angry. There have been more books banned in the last two years than ever before. Censorship and attacks on libraries are both on the rise, but we can fight back. We can rise above.
Join me for Cyberpunk Librarian - Episode 67.
@dc @literatesavant Sounds like you are considering buying a magloop and a 10m only radio? That would be a lot of money invested for a single band that isn't super reliably interesting. You may want to try listening with a RTLSDR and some wire on that band to see if you yourself think the activity is worth the investment.
Sat down this week, and wrote a piece about #diablo2 that was published in Ctrl-ZINE's issue 17, which came out today.
Feel free to explore: https://ctrl-c.club/~loghead/ctrl-zine.html
I was featured in the latest issue of Ctrl-ZINE! I wrote a piece about the fediverse and why I believe it can be a sustainable model for the future of social media.
Check it out here: https://ctrl-c.club/~/loghead/zine/Ctrl-ZINE.issue.17.pdf
#writing #writingcommunity #fediverse #mastodon #zine #zines #ctrlzine #socialmedia
I only use W3W for a) work directions on printed documents (but I've been thinking I could probably automate a qr code so our installers can scan the code to get very accurate location on their phone using the decimal lat long)
B) finding fun locations to navigate too (I went to ///kitchens.bedrooms.bathrooms this year)
@Sroot @AlisonW Curious, why? A number or NATO phonetic can be pronounced and understood in any accent or speaker's language. There are so many words that are hard to understand when the speaker and listener don't have the same accent, especially over a phone line. Any system based on thousands of words is going to run into problems of words that sound similar in certain accents, or can easily be mixed up.
@AlisonW Bad idea of so many reasons. It's really too bad Maidenhead grid locations didn't become common use for this. 10 symbols, spoken in NATO phonetics, gives you an area about 25x25 meters, and can be spoken in about 6 seconds; understood in any language, any accent, without homophones or weird edge cases. Unlike w3w, it works just as accurately anywhere on Earth, even in the middle of the ocean. A simple app could give you those 10 phonetics, so people don't have to memorize them either.
Don't use 'What three words"! It's stupid (words are irrelevant to location) and dangerous (easy to make errors).
@kilroy_was_here I have not heard that term before, but when archive.org is up an running fully again, you can try searching for that term in a full text search of the #DLARC and sorting for the oldest occurances: https://archive.org/details/dlarc?tab=collection&query=strays&sin=TXT
:oof: Found an older model of the pocket on ebay for $250 shipping from Japan.
I still don't need it, but it does appear to be exactly the formfactor that I currently find myself wishing for.
So was the GPD Micro when I got that. (And, frankly, I'd still be using that if it *worked*, but it doesn't and I have no reason to believe the pocket won't break the same way.)
Does anyone reputable make palmtop x86 PCs?
Or reasonably powerful ARM machines?
(I have a lot of computers. I used to really like computers. I want to like computers again.)
@ve3mal no. But once it comes back up, anyone can install the Internet Archive command tool and type “ia download collection:dlarc” and then wait patiently to have their own copy
@dlarc Given all the trouble archive.org has been going through; is there any effort to backup/archive the #dlarc elsewhere? I know the torrents are available on every item's page, but that isn't practical for a large project like this, and isn't discoverable without archive.org being up. Hopefully they are around forever, but the dlarc is a treasure, and should be in a few places.
Post-Helene Update and the Importance of Radio After a Natural Disaster
#AMRadio #FMRadio #HamRadio #HurricaneHelene #HurricanePreparedness #K4SWL #Preparedness #RadioPreparedness #SWLingPost #ThomasWitherspoon
@VE6LK I stared at this for a good 10 seconds then groaned out loud.
Helene Aftermath: Long Update, Monday September, 30 2024