WBU Barred Owl Cam

5:24 4/6 Enjoy these shots from earlier: adult at the empty nest box who then flies down to a nearby tree and then we see the eyes of an owlet (probably Moon). The adults will continue to feed them for until 4 to 5 months of age, at which point the young begin to disperse. t.co/Tlp8CaN8iV twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

The owlet from the Wild Birds Unlimited Barred Owl Cam branched on May 4 and is now exploring the treetops outside of the nest box. At 32 days old, Moon took it's first steps out of the nest box, hopped up to the roof, and climbed up the hickory tree. t.co/Lf96fiB109 twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

RT @birdcams: Now that the owlets on the @WBU_Owls cam have branched or fledged out of view from the cameras, we'll be ending the streams t… twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam
May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

3:10 and 6:01 5/6 A couple of (one-eye) eye shine shots t.co/tSU1zWG4z8 twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam
May 06, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam
May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

6:21 5/5 Two owls (Moon up top) and then one departs. t.co/oZ6OcVFFHk twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

6:18 5/5 An adult departing after visiting moon. t.co/ENrmjDBoDR twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam
May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

22:00 5/4 Can you spot Moon? Owls have a reflective layer behind the retina (called the “tapetum lucidum”) give them excellent nocturnal vision. This also means that their eyes glow at night when light hits them just right. t.co/lNhVbVTLss twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

23:17 4/5 Parent Barred Owl arrives at the nest box with what looks like a rodent only to find no owlets at home. t.co/ml4ytLr6Jf twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

Moon looks good perched in the tree by nest (courtesy of our cam host, Jim Carpenter). t.co/LMsOlZ4s3d twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

19:21 5/4 Moon takes a final look from the roof before heading back up the tree... t.co/SeQoTcAuM1 twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 05, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

19:19 5/4 Moon hops up the tree and then returns back to the roof. t.co/X7OuqX0vIL twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

19:13 5/4 Moon hop/flies up to the roof of the nest box with grace. t.co/s2uQWi6zng twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

7:08 5/4 An adult (likely the female) arrives with an earthworm delivery and then a preening session with Moon. t.co/CMSiClnhBE twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

3:03 7/4 Moon has been exploring all the branches that are just outside of the nest box. t.co/Rhr7ZTVg3r twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

00:27 5/4 Another delivery for Moon-- looks like a crayfish this time. t.co/X9vUFXWc4o twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024
WBU Barred Owl Cam

21:15 5/3 Another visit, another snack for Moon. t.co/q6FjZp1T9E twitter.com/WBU_Owls/status/17

May 04, 2024