Brendan Halpin

Sociologist in Limerick

Mostly playing with unrealistic computer models of real world processes

Emacs, Stata, Shiny & Rstats, Julia, Python

Linux on the desktop since about 1997

tootfinder searchable

Brendan Halpin

I see people saying they voted for Netanyahu's preferred candidate to protest genocide.

16 hours ago
Brendan Halpin

Little known fact (that I learnt on Mastodon from @mekkaokereke) the Statue of Liberty commemorates the end of slavery, and the association with immigration is (in several senses) whitewash.

21 hours ago
Brendan Halpin

What a relief, to take my mind off the other thing: "digital native" students who can't save a file to a given location and find it again!

To be fair, the OS doesn't help, because its primary design criterion is "the less you understand about what's going on, the better". Which reminds me of the other thing.

1 day ago
Brendan Halpin

I haven't been as profoundly depressed by an event since the Canary Wharf bombing collapsed the first NI ceasefire in 1996. And there's no Hume/Adams/Trimble in the background working for a solution to this disaster.

1 day ago