Eugen Rochko

Founder of @Mastodon. Film photography, prog metal, Dota 2. Likes all things analog.

Gargron shared a status by weatherwest
Daniel Swain

Visually spectacular "sculpted" supercell thunderstorm near Woodrow on high plains of eastern Colorado earlier today (6/8/24). This storm featured a blue-green & ground-scraping shelf cloud (& dust storm beneath) so wide I could not fully capture even with wide angle lens!

June 09, 2024
Gargron shared a status by dangillmor
Dan Gillmor

Facebook bots invading forums where people are trying to have conversations with other people is a genuinely evil development.

June 09, 2024
Gargron shared a status by louisa_
louisa_ :)

Our blurry boys the other day. They'd been to the vet and had their worming treatment a few hours earlier so were feeling a little out of sorts. They were back to their usual hilarious selves by morning though.

June 08, 2024
Eugen Rochko

Bad and naughty iPhones get put into The iPhone Wiggler

June 08, 2024
Gargron shared a status by whitequark

Murder on the PCI Express

June 08, 2024
Gargron shared a status by bogat23k
June 08, 2024
Gargron shared a status by Edent
Terence Eden

Here's a list of everyone standing for election who has a Mastodon account:

Only 11 candidates so far.

If you know of any others, please add it to their candidate page.

If you know of anyone standing, please encourage them to join the Fediverse.

June 08, 2024
Gargron shared a status by warandpeas
War and Peas 🧿

That cat on the left is up to something.

June 07, 2024
Gargron shared a status by panther_modern
Panther Modern

Big tech has created a lobbying group, attempting to defend itself against infringement claims from artists.

They argue that Section 230 should be expanded to include generative technologies.

Fuck and fuck

June 07, 2024
Gargron shared a status by haubles
hannah aubry

Next week, @devs is putting on a keynote event featuring a fantastic lineup of announcements and community celebrations. Please join us for the live stream — we promise you have *never* seen a tech keynote like this one, and we have some exciting news we think our friends here on the are really going to like 😁

Set a reminder to watch on

June 07, 2024
Gargron shared a status by appleinsider

After a terms of service update that infuriated artists, and an initial statement that poured gasoline on the fire, Adobe has made a clear statement about its new use terms.

June 07, 2024
Eugen Rochko

Bought some new to try out. There aren’t that many photos taken with this film on here or Flickr, so I’m not quite sure what to expect. Now I just need to go somewhere interesting… 🥲

June 07, 2024
Gargron shared a status by JustMeDevin

wow, absolutely cannot believe my little recipe app won an Apple Design Award! 🤯 excuse me while I go melt in the corner.

June 06, 2024
Gargron shared a status by dangillmor
Dan Gillmor
June 07, 2024
Gargron shared a status by sundogplanets
Prof. Sam Lawler

The only feeling I have about starship is dread.

They want to use that to launch batches of HUNDREDS of Starlinks at once. And guess where all those Starlinks will end up? The pieces that don't make it to the ground will end up in our upper atmosphere, screwing up the stratosphere, the ozone layer, who knows what else because SpaceX isn't required to do any environmental assessments of this.

Shit. Maybe a good time to post this essay I wrote yet again:

June 06, 2024
Gargron shared a status by jaz

👋 If you can see this toot you are on the enjoying

How flippin' awesome is that!?

In one or two sentences, tell me one thing that stands out for you personally, one of the reasons you enjoy being here.

And if you're ok with me using your answer in promotional material to get more people here, add the tag 📢

June 06, 2024
Gargron shared a status by alexisbushnell
Alexis Bushnell

The first post I put up for Pride month had 92 likes and 62 boosts over on Mastodon, meanwhile here on the 'gram only 91 people actually saw it - despite me having 1500 followers and sharing it to Stories.

That's not a small difference, and it's not an outlier.

Over the 28 days before I scheduled this post, my Mastodon posts had 979 engagements, while on Instagram they had 153.

Not only that, I have had more enquires through Mastodon this year, than I have had through Instagram ever.

June 06, 2024