Brandon Jones

Apple saw me open up a box of the kids old stuffies and immediately decided "these are my people. I must be with them!"

January 21, 2025
Brandon Jones

It's funny* that if you generate your own electricity and send some of back to PG&E they're like "So, actually GENERATING the power is, like, worthless. Have some pennies. No, it's actually, uh, DELIVERING the power that costs lots and lots of money! Yeah. Pay up."

*aggravating but predictable

January 18, 2025
Brandon Jones

TypeScript fixed a longstanding bug for me today!

I had an older, vanilla JS WebGPU cascading shadow map demo where I simply could not figure out why my shadow filtering didn't seem to work.

Today I tried porting that code to a newer TypeScript code base and... Ah. That's why.

January 18, 2025
Brandon Jones

I find it funny how "working on WebXR" involves spending very little time actually in VR/AR and an awful lot of time peeking out of the bottom of a headset to find my mouse and keyboard.

January 17, 2025
Brandon Jones

Wait, so the Switch 2 is actually doing the joycons-as-a-mouse thing? That sounds like the most awkward possible thing to use.

January 16, 2025
Brandon Jones

Ugh. My shoulder randomly tensed up and is real sore now and I have no idea why. I guess it's time for another round of "Did I Injure Myself or Am I Just 40?"™️

January 14, 2025
Brandon Jones

Fell down a rabbit hole of trying to figure out renderers use real light measurements (like candela and lux) without the image being completely blown out. The answer (obvious in retrospect) is basically "everyone uses very tiny exposure values".

January 14, 2025
Brandon Jones

I've been doing graphics dev with or on WebGPU almost exclusively for a couple of years now, but today I'm going back and doing some really simple work in GL (mostly just creating and managing textures) and... how did graphics devs live like this for ~30 years?!? Global state is a curse. 😭

Also, why does my texture have two (2) formats AND a type?

(I know why, this is just me shaking my fist at ancient design decisions that against all odds still affect modern day developers.)

January 10, 2025
Brandon Jones

Very cool WebGPU demo showing a variety of rendering techniques.

And, even better, the author wrote a whole article about it!

January 08, 2025