freeze peach
Just putting this here so I can find it when I get around to adding pdf generation to the EDITME app
Writing abc music notation as a markdown code block that is rendered to svg in my single file web browser epub editor app. Seems a bit neat.
It's not necessarily usable but the EPUB editor I've been working on can create epub files from a web browser running on a phone.
First up is my illustration/animation of a magician on stage.
I called it 'This is a Picklet' because it explains what a 'picklet' is. And it stands up pretty well as an Epub except for the reference the the Picklet Store which went offline more than ten years ago.
Download the Epub file here;
Just pushed some EPUB files to my personal site. It's a reboot of an interactive media project from 2012.
Used to be an app called Picklets, now just the content in web-standard EPUB 3.2
Smoke on the water
Robots in disguise