Allison Wyss

I don't think I've been lost. And a book(!): Splendid Anatomies (Shirley Jackson Award Finalist, 2022)


Header: A slice of a book cover with a mixed textile sculpture called "High Lonesome" by Korey Rowswell, beside the words "Splendid Anatomies, stories, Allison Wyss"

Profile pic: Still a picture of Allison Wyss, trying to look badass but not quite getting there, but this time holding up an arm with a tattoo of her book's cover image (white woman, glasses, curly brown hair)

Allison Wyss

Here's me writing about one of my favorite things again...

How do YOU sustain wonder (or horror) in your fiction?

July 10, 2024
Allison Wyss

This one's by my co-writer, but you should still check it out. It's about leaving space for the reader to feel.

Of course, I think both (or many) strategies are good--it just depends what you're going for. But also, I keep thinking about how a film or tv adaptation might dig into the spaces left for a reader. And that might clash with the emotions the reader first had, or it might layer with them to create a new depth.

June 30, 2024
Allison Wyss

Want to analyze newly published flash, turn your discoveries into new writing, & share for supportive, generative feedback?

This summer, my Flash Fiction class happens through LIT!COMMONS.

Sign up for Jul & Aug to get this class & everything else that's wonderful about that space.

8 live zoom meetings, (Thurs, 7/11/24 - 8/29/24, 7-8pm CST)
PLUS an asynchronous path to complete on your own time!

Wait until July, then register here:

June 17, 2024